New Vendors – make use of various merchants and vendors

These will also be added to the Onslaught campaign roster! New Main Heroes, New Skills: Moira, the young Transmuter and Filos, the haughty general, all with new faction abilities and skill trees. New secondary heroes such as Szzlag the Devourer and Ocram, the Transmuter each with their own skill tree. New units: 5 new Frost Trolls and 5 different types of Shadow Creatures roam the land. New environments: Winter has come to Keldonia with two new map themes New Faction: Play as the Empire and experience a very different style of campaign with new faction rules. Shadow Forces: A swarm of demonic creatures that can infect settlements and transform them into shadows portals Will you fight the new threat to Keldonia’s very existence or join the Shadow forces and plunge the world into darkness forever? Over 40 maps allow you to play completely different campaigns. A branching story campaign: Combining the best of the first two campaign systems, Empire Aflame provides an intense story following the young Transmuter Moira in her rise to power while offering a wealth of map choices and completely different ways to play. In this next chapter of the Keldonia campaign, you fight as the Empire facing a new type of enemy, born from the Shadowlord’s realm and spreading like a dark plague. Fantasy General II: Invasion is the reimagination of the strategy game classic from the 90s Armies once again draw battle-lines on the war-torn land of Keldonia, and a new generation of. Join the forces of the Shadowlord or resist him and seek to stem the tide of his minions. You will decide the fate of the fallen Empire and all of Keldonia. Summon undead to your side or conscript villagers into your ranks, cast powerful draining magic or direct your army into different formations to adapt them to your needs. Keep the Imperial Peace in the Northern Provinces and fight Frost Trolls, Harpies and Barbarian raiders as the young transmuter Moira and the Imperial noble Filos and discover a dark secret at work in the Shadows. New Training – your heroes offer new training to your units from the start of the campaign.A Civil War is ravaging the Empire, laying waste to the once proud realm. Can capture/explore (riderless pegasi cannot capture/explore) 3. Low health and armor 4 makes them fragile (keep them away from enemy missile troops) Upsides: 1. New Vendors – make use of various merchants and vendors Prevents you from allying with the centaurs in the Stop the Invasion mission 3. A branching story campaign: Combining the best of the first two campaign systems, Empire Aflame provides an intense story following the young Transmuter Moira in her rise to power while offering a wealth of map choices and completely different ways to play. sharks and a variety of warships Falirson the Hunter unlocks as alternate choice for Invasion campaign. In this next chapter of the Keldonia campaign, you fight as the Empire facing a new type of enemy, born from the Shadowlord’s realm and spreading like a dark plague. A Civil War is ravaging the Empire, laying waste to the once proud realm.